Expectations Are Critical to Business Success

Do you know what your customer expects from being your customer?  If you answered “no,” then read on.  But, even if you do, read on anyway.

restaurantUnderstand that you and your customer must be on the same page when it comes to expectations.  What kind of clues are you giving in your marketing, store layout, or customer service protocol that lets the customer know the kind of shopping experience they will have.

One of the nuttiest traditions in the retail world has been coined, “Black Friday” – the day after Thanksgiving when many offices are closed and shoppers are ready to start their holiday and Christmas shopping.  Over the years, it has truly turned mild-mannered people into a sleep-deprived and unruly mob with the goal of getting some slick deals on everything and anything.

The expectation that the shopper, on little or no sleep, hungry and cranky, perhaps still in their p.j.’s, is still willing to go through this outrageous experience all for the sake of a sale.  They don’t expect, nor care about, pleasantries from shopkeepers; they will expect to be herded like sheep into lines outside the store only to be let in one at a time, all for their reward: 50% off a 32” flat screen.  You think I’m exaggerating?  I don’t think so.

On the other hand, take the expectations of a customer as they enter an expensive star restaurant?  What are their expectations? Are you meeting or exceeding them? [Read more…]

It’s Not What but How in Starting a Business

How toStarting a business is a bit like dieting, playing golf, or managing one’s health.  Thousands of experts make lots of money telling you what you need to be successful.  While the majority of the advice is excellent, most people fail in the execution, which is what I mean by the how in starting a business.  In essence, it is essential to understand it is not what but how in starting a business.  Below is a simple example.

I know everything there is to know about losing weight but still love to eat so the knowledge is useless.  In contrast, my wife is the same weight as decades ago and can even forget to eat. [Read more…]

Do You Have a Marketing Plan?

Marketing PlanWhat is marketing?  Is it advertising?  Yes.  Is it promotion?  Yes.  Something newsworthy?  Yes.  Public relations?  Yes.  Is marketing just about anything that gets your brand out there for the public to consume directly or subconsciously?  Yes.   At Startup Connection we recognize the unusual ability small agile firms have to successfully focus on and carry out successful “mini” marketing strategies.  These strategies, help differentiate the new guys on the block from the competition.  We constantly work to help startup firms create and take advantage of mini marketing opportunities.  A simple example, a restaurant client who gives kids their own dough to make a small roll and then bakes it for them. [Read more…]

Innovation Is Not Easy

Just because we always did it this wayEveryone talks about creating an environment that encourages innovation, change, openness, new ideas, etc.  In many cases this enthusiasm for innovation, however, ignores a number of powerful practices:

“If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it!

Another is,

“We have always done it this way.“

We at Startup Connection believe in trying simple ideas and approaches that work to foster innovation: [Read more…]

“You can’t handle the truth.” – Jack Nicholson

I am constantly running into well intentioned and informed clients who ignore this simple advice:True North for Truth

“You can’t handle the truth.” Jack Nicholson in a Few Good Men

This is especially true when clients are trying to identify target markets.  Here is a perfect example,

I had a client who wanted to market a very complex and localized program to all 50 states.  He was more worried about not serving potential customers than the minimal potential, high risks, high expenses, low efficiency, and probability of mistakes in the 20 states that made up only 10 % of the population. [Read more…]