How Am I Doin’?

ed-kochIn the 1970’s, New York City was run by a gentleman named Ed Koch, who had an interesting habit.  He’d visit subway stations or popular intersections throughout the city, and ask residents heading to and from work, “How am I doin’?”   This scenario became legend.

When I was a young executive in a large corporation, our president would visit various departments throughout the day, and ask employees things like, “How are you?”  or “Are you working on anything exciting?” or “How can the corporation help you?”

I first thought these were examples of leaders being polite, or maybe just “attention seekers,” or maybe even managers who didn’t have much else to do.  What I didn’t realize was that I was witnessing a brilliant leadership tactic. [Read more…]

The Perils of Exaggeration

brian-williams“….After being forced down after being hit by an RPG.” With this exaggeration, just a few simple words, the career of well-respected newsman, Brian Williams, was in jeopardy.

I call it, “the perils of exaggeration.” And, it can be found on TV, and in every method of social media. From politicians to celebrities and from reality TV stars to business executives. It is so tempting to sort of spice up a routine story, a flat sales quarter, how much your product will be improved, and when it’s expected off the assembly line. [Read more…]

Get the Facts Before the Facts Get You

“Get the facts before the facts get you.”  That is precisely what a business mentor said to me a few years ago, and it stuck ever since.  Once this wise statement sank in, I never went into a decision without using research and analytics, and from that, I would develop a pretty good argument.  Not only did it provide the confidence to move forward with the decision I had to make, but it made it tough for anyone to second guess it, and gave the decision more credence.  The advice become a sort of mantra that I live by in my business, and a crucial piece of advice I pass along to my clients. [Read more…]

Making Sense of Passion and Reality in Startup Businesses

Startup business expert, Bert Shlensky, helps break down how entrepreneurs and startup businesses need to harness their passion when running their business, all the while tempering it with a healthy dose of reality.  Passion and reality in startup businesses is frequently overlooked and misunderstood by entrepreneurs.

Watch this video to learn more.

[Read more…]

Asking “What if?” and Other Terrific Questions

gone-with-the-windA writer friend of mind told me that when she is considering her next novel, she starts with one question:  “What if?”  What if a Southern Belle played flirty with a handsome Southern gentleman during the Civil War?  Or, what if a widower found a letter in a bottle from his long lost love?  And, from that, classics are born.

Asking simple questions can lead to big things. [Read more…]

Small Business Video Library

Small Business Video Library

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  Then these video resources must be worth millions!

Watch and learn new and important ways you can improve your business.  Contact the Startup Connection team if you have any questions, comments, or just aren’t even sure where to begin.

Call Us Today.  914-632-6977


About Startup Connection

About Startup Connection

We’re changing the way entrepreneurs succeed in the business world. We provide the right knowledge at the right time.

Rather than providing success tips, we deal with how to resolve the challenges of running a business. Bert Shlensky started Startup Connection because he believes clients need more hands-on help on the “how” instead of the “what” than is generally available for start ups.  Watch this video to learn about our philosophy, and how Startup Connection can help your business succeed.

Passion and Reality

Passion and Reality

An entrepreneur needs to understand and express their passion. For an entrepreneur to succeed, they have to use this passion to overcome any obstacles or challenges that might come their way.

What about reality? Many entrepreneurs overlook key elements in running a successful business, often ignoring details and analysis. It’s no wonder so many small businesses fail.

In order to succeed, entrepreneurs must allow their passion to drive them, but have reality guide them to where they need to be. Let the expert team at Startup Connection help you through that process.

The Chicken and the Egg

The Chicken and the Egg

People often ask an entrepreneur’s version of the old chicken or the egg puzzle: which comes first, the idea, planning, or financing?  Which is more important?  Watch this video to find out the answer.

Let Startup Connection help you get all your ducks (or chickens) in a row, so you can help your business grow and make more money.

Learn to Think Outside the Box

Learn to Think Outside the Box

Businesses talk about creating an environment that encourages innovation, change, openness, and so on. They believe that getting employees motivated with some good ol’ “rah rah” enthusiasm will make their workers feel good and inspire them to be more productive and innovative. They couldn’t be more wrong.

We at Startup Connection believe in trying some simple, practical ideas and approaches that work to foster true productivity and innovation.

Do You Have a Marketing Plan?

Do You Have a Marketing Plan?

Do you have a marketing plan? You don’t? Then you’d better get one. If you don’t have a road map for targeting the right product to the right people in the right way, keep your website on MySpace and start buying truckloads of lottery tickets.

Let the expert team at Startup Connection help you achieve the success you deserve. Contact us NOW for free help with YOUR business!