In reviewing Internet Retailers, “2014 Top 500 Guide” there is tons of stuff that just keeps popping out that affects one’s marketing practices and potential. As important as we think the potential of the Internet is for business, we are actually underestimating its worth.
Below are just a few examples illustrating the Internet’s potential:
- Internet retailing is growing 15-20 % per year while brick and mortar retail is only growing 1-3 %. The implications for buying, retail stores, inventory management, and marketing are astounding.
- Diverse retailers Amazon, Wayfair, Etsy, Google Play, Groupon, Vistaprint, Netflix, Overstock, represent businesses we never heard of a few years ago, are revolutionizing industries, purchasing techniques, and business patterns.
- Much of the differentiation and value of the Internet resides in the connectivity, data aggregation, data-processing, and decision-making activities that take advantage of the data streams emanating from the Internet.
- Numerous and growing challenges face brick and mortar retail stores including for example, over saturation translated into an average 46 square feet of retail space for every person in the U.S.
- Inventory management, consumer tastes, deteriorating stores, and competitiveness are growing in importance.